Available courses

This course is a part of a two- part series on social work research: SW 199.1, and SW 199.2. The first course  aims to introduce  students to theories and methods of research in the context of social work practice  While SW199.1 focuses on the theoretical study of research,  SW199.2 covers its practical application. 

The main output of SW199.1 is a research proposal to be submitted at the end of the semester. If approved and accepted by the professor, the proposal may be implemented in SW199.2 in coordination with the designated professor. 

As we are in a pandemic era, students are expected to carry out research through online methods.


This course covers the end- to-end discussion of three machine learning use cases used in business namely: recommender systems, fraud detection and conversational chatbot. This will include discussion on concepts, processes, and hands-on analysis and modeling to address the business requirements for each use case. This course will make use of python programming.




At the end of this course, students will be able to

·       Understand the various machine learning techniques that can be used for recommendation engines, fraud detection and conversational chatbots;

·       Be familiar with the use of python programming and jupyter notebook for data science.

·       Apply the appropriate machine learning algorithm/s to address new data science use case requirements

This is HEEd 147 Practicum II Teaching Home Economics course page. Through this course, students will put into practice the knowledge and skills in teaching that they have developed from previous related courses through supervised teaching experiences off-campus.

This is the UVLE page for ES 26 WDE/FUV.

Our weekly Zoom meetings will use the following link:

Meeting ID: 923 6366 6818
Passcode: es26-jzl

Welcome to EEE118 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Laboratory I. This course is the first laboratory course taken by all EEE freshmen. The goal of this course is to introduce fundamental electrical, electronics, and computer engineering concepts in the context of a laboratory environment.

Environmental process engineering; health, safety, and environment (HSE) practices in chemical processing plants

This course covers fundamental principles of environmental and energy engineering which are essential topics for undergraduate students of civil engineering and other engineering fields. It gives an overview of environmental impact assessment of infrastructure projects, environmental and energy policies and standards, and emerging issues in environmental and energy engineering.

The UVLe course page for the ARTS 1 class of Mr. Mark Louie Lugue of the Department of Art Studies, College of Arts and Letters, University of the Philippines Diliman.

Introduction to the aesthetics of the performing arts: music, dance, theater, and cinema.

This is the UVLe course site for the Art Stud 50 class under Mr. Mark Louie Lugue of the Department of Art Studies, College of Arts and Letters.

Housing is an urban design issue that is multi-faceted. This course brings to fore the need to relate physical design issues with people, institution, and environment. 

Housing in this course covers the full spectrum of products ranging from informal settlements, socialized housing, middle class to high-end housing. Strategies for dealing with supply and demand gaps, market needs and preferences, affordability and resilience concerns are highlighted by local cases and international cases. 

Principles that govern the production, utilization and evaluation of housing products are embedded in the lecture topics and class activities.

Elements and features of transport systems, technological and operational characteristics of various modes of transportation; tools for transport system analysis; land use/transport interaction; forecast of transport demand; principles of planning, design, operation, maintenance and management.

This is the UVLe course site for the Art Stud 50 class under Mr. Mark Louie Lugue of the Department of Art Studies, College of Arts and Letters.

This course covers fundamental principles of environmental and energy engineering which are essential topics for undergraduate students of civil engineering and other engineering fields. It gives an overview of environmental impact assessment of infrastructure projects, environmental and energy policies and standards, and emerging issues in environmental and energy engineering.


This course is an introduction to the general phenomenon of social deviance— a concept often misunderstood yet persistently used by societies to justify control (isolate, treat, correct, punish, execute) over particular types of people. The definition of ‘deviance’ is fleeting. Deviance has changed across societies, at different time-periods, and has been experienced differently by dissimilar types of people. Deviance is hard to pin-down. And arguably, what seems to be the only objective reality left in ‘deviance’ is its capacity to reveal the many other inequalities and injustices in society.


In this class, we will learn to examine how various sociological perspectives have viewed, interpreted, and ‘dealt with’ non-conformity and criminality. We will critically interrogate the social landscape of deviance using social scientific theories, sociological concepts, and empirical research as tools for analysis. As we cover the core theories and forms of deviance largely in terms of normative variations, delinquency, and criminality, we shall locate the local Filipino ‘deviant’ experience in the global context and juxtapose experiences of different societies.


By the end of the semester, each student must be able to:

Demonstrate comprehension of sociological concepts in the area of the sociology of deviance;

Formulate sociological analysis about different facets of deviance and social control;

Practice the ability to assess empirical evidence and identify and reflect on important issues in ethics which may arise in the study of deviance and social control; and 

Exhibit critical thinking in the form of clear, evaluative statements during discussion and assessment activities in class.


Seminar course on the process of culture change in the Philippines and the Filipino responses to external social and cultural factors

(An elective course for Master of Arts in Philippine Studies and Master of Arts in Philippine Studies)

This course is the study and application of the basic components of tourism. In this course, we will discuss its different forms and products, its processes and systems, and its evolution as an industry and an academic discipline. It will also include how the functions of marketing and management contribute to sustainable tourism development and will discuss the social, environmental, and economic significance of tourism at local, national, and international levels.

Tour 151 will discuss the importance and relevance of marketing in a variety of tourism-oriented institutions. Emphasis is placed on policies, strategies, and tactics in promoting tourism and other products and services of the country


Transportation is an integral part of daily life. Transportation and travel could be discussed without taking tourism into consideration, but tourism cannot thrive without travel. Transportation is an integral part of the tourism industry. It is largely due to the improvement of transportation that tourism has expanded. The course is expected to discuss the following:

a.    Development of major transportation systems- acknowledging that linkage by air, sea, and land modes is essential for the operations as well as the availability of support services esp. in tourism;

b.    Marketing function- transportation is most often seen as part of the tourism system bringing tourists to destinations;

c.     Process of physical distribution;

d.    Factors affecting land, sea and air travel and transport systems;

e.    Transportation’s impact on areas served;

f.      Analysis of models of passenger transportation;

g.    Rates and services in various operations;

h.    Maximizing the contributions of the transport system.

 The transportation system of a tourist destination has an impact on the tourism experience which explains how people travel and why they choose different forms of holiday, destination, and transport. The improvement in transportation modes plus low fares has increased the accessibility of areas once considered off-the-beaten-path. Accesses to tourist sites vary per the nature of the site, the state of infrastructure, and the efficiency of the public transport system.

This course deals with the management of air transport services and facilities related to tourism from standard operations and regulations to contemporary trends and issues that define the technical, operational, safety and security functions in air travel.

Good day, everyone! I am Asst. Professor Ivan Henares, faculty-in-charge for the first-ever offering of Tourism 214. I'm very excited to be back at AIT after four years of PhD studies at Purdue University. I'm looking forward to working with you this semester and introducing you to culture and tourism development, a topic that I am very passionate about. I also hope that we can collaborate on future research projects on heritage tourism.

Your course syllabus can be found here. The readings for our September 18 class are Jimura (2019) Chapter 1 and Smith (2003) Chapters 1-3.  You will need to log-in using your UP e-mail to access the files. If you need to contact me, you may e-mail me at ishenares@up.edu.ph. Looking forward to meeting you all on Saturday. Stay safe!

1st Semester AY 2021-2022

Course Description
Development and management of tourism destinations to foster respect for host communities and their cultures. 

Course Objectives
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:

  • Identify and explain key concepts in culture and approaches in managing tourism involving culture.
  • Analyze tourism as an instrument of cultural awareness.
  • Recognize the complexities and paradoxes of developing and managing tourism in host communities.
  • Foster respect for host communities and their cultures in formulating policies, programs, and activities in tourism destinations.