I. Getting to Know the Course


Sociology 11, Philippine Contemporary Social Issues, is a “below-100” elective course offered by the Department of Sociology, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of the Philippines - Diliman. The course is designed to introduce students, especially non-majors, to the discipline of sociology and develop social conscientiousness and outlook. In this course, we will learn how to make sense and analyze social realities with various sociological frameworks the “feels” and “hugot” that we daily experience. We will see the interconnectedness and dependency of our individual social positions to wider patterns, systems, and structures in society. And vice-versa, we will render visible how we, individuals, also structure the structures that surround us. 


By gaining deeper and comprehensive knowledge of Philippine social realities, this course aims to help you navigate through everyday life, inspire empathic understanding in how we go about our daily relations, and invoke immediacy for social change. I hope that you will be able to apply inclusivity, sensitivity, and social contentiousness in your future professions.




Course Catalogue Description

Course Number:

Socio 11

Course Title:

Philippine Contemporary Social Issues

Course Description:      

A sociological examination of contemporary expressions of persistent social issues in Philippine society



Course Credit:


Meeting Type:   

Distance Learning

Course Goals:

To develop sociologically-informed analyses and critique of various Philippine social issues



B.         Background and Rationale

The goal of a liberal education is not just to improve the analytical and cognitive skills of students. More importantly, it seeks to inculcate in students the capacity to forward informed criticisms of social events occurring within their social milieu. As an elective course intended for non-sociology majors, Socio 11 primarily centers on the utility of various sociological perspectives to develop skills to analyze social issues and to criticize social realities as they occur in contemporary times as part of their undergraduate training in the University of the Philippines. In doing so, the course allows students to formulate and imagine alternative futures where and when undesirable social conditions emanating from the contemporary social arrangements are alleviated, if not transcended.   



C. Course Outcomes

Upon completion of the course, students must be able to:



CO 1.

Identify and explain the elements of various frameworks and perspectives of sociological analysis 

CO 2. 

Apply the various frameworks and perspectives of sociology in analyzing persistent social problems in the Philippines as they recur in a multiplicity of forms in contemporary social issues

CO 3. 

Formulate sociological critique of Philippine social realities and its consequences to the lives of Filipinos

CO 4. 

Imagine futures for Philippine society