- Teacher: Daniel Karlo Lucas
The College of Home Economics (CHE) offers two required common courses for its undergraduate students: HE 100 (Family Life and Societal Development) and HE 101 (Ethics and Values in Family and Society). These CHE common courses were instituted in 1992 during Dean Cecilia A. Florencio’s term to better address the CHE Educative Goals and revised in 2016 to emphasize the strengthening of the practical application of theories in the personal and professional lives of students.
As a required CHE undergraduate common course, HE 100 provides all CHE undergraduate students the opportunity to interconnect with other CHE students belonging to various sub-disciplines of Home Economics, and to engage in discourse on interdisciplinary issues concerning family life and societal development focusing on the Philippine experience.
Since the mission of the CHE is to enhance the quality of day-to-day living of families and consumers and to prepare them to face changes, the HE 100 anchors its conceptual framework on CHE’s mission. This mission is guided by CHE’s definition of home economics (CHE Faculty, 2011):
“…study of families and the management of resources available to them for the satisfaction of basic needs in changing environments. It seeks to understand the multi-dimensionality of daily living in the context of home, workplace, and community by drawing from a range of disciplines (science, arts, and humanities) and integrating specialized areas within a home economics core.”
College Common Course
Course Description: Basic resource management as essential life skills for families and individuals
Course Credit: 2.0 units
By accessing and using the HEEd 131 course pack, it is understood that you agree to the statements below:As a student of the University of the Philippines, I pledge to act ethically and uphold the value of honor and excellence.
I understand that suspected misconduct on given assignments/examinations will be reported to the appropriate office and if established, will result in disciplinary action in accordance with University rules, policies, and procedures. I may work with others only to the extent allowed by the instructor.
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- Teacher: Jennifer Loverio