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UVLe '22 Quizzes Tutorials

UVLe '22 Quizzes Tutorials

by Isko Matalino -
Number of replies: 0
Good day Faculty Members,

For the last set of training sessions for UVLe 22, ILC Diliman will be conducting two (2) sessions of tutorials that will focus on building your UVLe 22 Quizzes, including basic know-hows on building question banks and customizing your quiz activities.
More specifically, the UVLe 22 Quizzes Tutorials will cover the setup of quizzes with the following response types -- True or False, Multiple Choices, Short Answer, Numerical, Essay, Matching.
The tutorials will also include grading management for the questions and viewing of responses by the teachers. Finally, a simple walkthrough on the building and use of question banks will be demonstrated.

The topics will be covered in a single 3-hour session and ILCD has scheduled two (2) sessions for the tutorial in order to accommodate the schedules of interested faculty members and the number of attendees. Each session can accommodate up to 80 participants. The tutorial sessions are set on the following dates and times,
● 14 February 2022, 1PM - 4PM
● 21 February 2022, 1PM - 4PM

We request our participants to have basic knowledge of UVLe 22 course management tasks. Ideally, the participants were already able to use UVLe 22 for the previous semester.
For those who have not familiarized with UVLe yet, you may check out our Basic UVLe 22 for Faculty course.

To register and secure your slot for either of the tutorial dates, please register through this link

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us through the ILCD Helpdesk at

We hope to see you in one of our sessions! Thank you very much.

- ILC Team